64 research outputs found

    Evolution with Drifting Targets

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    We consider the question of the stability of evolutionary algorithms to gradual changes, or drift, in the target concept. We define an algorithm to be resistant to drift if, for some inverse polynomial drift rate in the target function, it converges to accuracy 1 -- \epsilon , with polynomial resources, and then stays within that accuracy indefinitely, except with probability \epsilon , at any one time. We show that every evolution algorithm, in the sense of Valiant (2007; 2009), can be converted using the Correlational Query technique of Feldman (2008), into such a drift resistant algorithm. For certain evolutionary algorithms, such as for Boolean conjunctions, we give bounds on the rates of drift that they can resist. We develop some new evolution algorithms that are resistant to significant drift. In particular, we give an algorithm for evolving linear separators over the spherically symmetric distribution that is resistant to a drift rate of O(\epsilon /n), and another algorithm over the more general product normal distributions that resists a smaller drift rate. The above translation result can be also interpreted as one on the robustness of the notion of evolvability itself under changes of definition. As a second result in that direction we show that every evolution algorithm can be converted to a quasi-monotonic one that can evolve from any starting point without the performance ever dipping significantly below that of the starting point. This permits the somewhat unnatural feature of arbitrary performance degradations to be removed from several known robustness translations

    Quantum computers that can be simulated classically in polynomial time

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    A model of quantum computation based on unitary ma-trix operations was introduced by Feynman and Deutsch. It has been asked whether the power of this model exceeds that of classical Turing machines. We show here that a signi cant class of these quantum computations can be sim-ulated classically in polynomial time. In particular we show that two-bit operations characterized by 4 4 matrices in which the sixteen entries obey a set of ve polynomial re-lations can be composed according to certain rules to yield a class of circuits that can be simulated classically in poly-nomial time. This contrasts with the known universality of two-bit operations, and demonstrates that eÆcient quan-tum computation of restricted classes is reconcilable with the Polynomial Time Turing Hypothesis. In other words it is possible that quantum phenomena can be used in a scal-able fashion to make computers but that they do not have superpolynomial speedups compared to Turing machines for any problem. The techniques introduced bring the quantum computational model within the realm of algebraic complex-ity theory. In a manner consistent will one view of quan-tum physics, the wave function is simulated deterministi-cally, and randomization arises only in the course of making measurements. The results generalize the quantum model in that they do not require the matrices to be unitary. In a dierent direction these techniques also yield determinis-tic polynomial time algorithms for the decision and parity problems for certain classes of read-twice Boolean formulae. All our results are based on the use of gates that are dened in terms of their graph matching properties. 1. BACKGROUND The now classical theory of computational complexity is based on the computational model proposed by Turing[30] augmented in two ways: On the one hand random oper

    What must a global theory of cortex explain

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    At present there is no generally accepted theory of how cognitive phenomena arise from computations in cortex. Further, there is no consensus on how the search for one should be refocussed so as to make it more fruitful. In this short piece we observe that research in computer science over the last several decades has shown that significant computational phenomena need to circumvent significant inherent quantitative impediments, such as of computational complexity. We argue that computational neuroscience has to be informed by the same quantitative concerns for it to succeed. It is conceivable that the brain is the one computation that does not need to circumvent any such obstacles, but if that were the case then quantitatively plausible theories of cortex would now surely abound and be driving experimental investigations. Introduction That computing is the right framework for understanding the brain became clear to many soon after the discovery of universal computing by Turing [1], who was himself motivated by the question of understanding the scope of human mental activity. McCulloch and Pitts [2] made a first attempt to formalize neural computation, pointing out that their networks were of equivalent expressive power to Turing machines. By the 1950s it was widely recognized that any science of cognition would have to be based on computation. It would probably come as a shock to the earliest pioneers, were they to return today, that more progress has not been made towards a generally agreed computational theory of cortex. They may have expected, short of such a generally agreed theory, that today there would at least exist a variety of viable competing theories. Understanding cortex is surely among the most important questions ever posed by science. Astonishingly, the question of proposing general theories of cortex and subjecting them to experimental examination is currently not even a mainstream scientific activity. Our review here is informed by the observation that since Marr's time computer science has made very substantial progress in certain quantitative directions. The following four phenomena are clearly critical for the brain: communication, computation, learning and evolution. Over the last few decades all four have been subject to quantitative analysis, and are now known to be subject to hard quantitative constraints (see We do not believe that there can be any doubt that the theory sought has to be computational in the general sense of Turing. The question that arises is: In what way does Marr's articulation of the computational approach fall short? Our answer is that, exactly as in any other domains of computation, a successful theory will have to show additionally, how the quantitative challenges that need to be faced are solved in cortex. If these challenges were nonexistent or insignificant then plausible theories would now abound and the only task remaining for us would be to establish which one nature is using. This augmented set of requirements is quite complex in that many issues have to be faced simultaneously. We suggest the following as a streamlined working formulation for the present: (i) Specify a candidate set of quantitatively challenging cognitive tasks that cortex may be using as the primitives from which it builds cognition. At a minimum, this set has to include the task of memorization, and some additional tasks that use the memories created. The task set needs to encompass both the learning and the execution of the capabilities in question. (ii) Explain how, on a model of computation that faithfully reflects the quantitative resources that cortex has available, instances of these tasks can be realized by explicit algorithms. (iii) Provide some plausible experimental approach to confirming or falsifying the theory as it applies to cortex. (iv) Explain how there may be an evolutionary path to the brain having acquired these capabilities. To illustrate that this complex of requirements can be pursued systematically together we shall briefly describe the framework developed for this by the author Positive representations In order to specify computational tasks in terms of inputoutput behavior one needs to start with a representation for each task. It is necessary to ensure that for any pair of tasks where the input of one is the output of the other there is a common representation at that interface. Here we shall take the convenient course of having a common representation for all the tasks that will be considered, so that their composability will follow. In a positive representation [5] a real world item (a concept, event, individual, etc.) is represented by a set S of r neurons. A concept being processed corresponds to the members of S firing in a distinct way. More precisely, as elaborated further in Positive representations come in two varieties, disjoint, which means that the S's of distinct concepts are disjoint, and shared, which means that the S's can share neurons. Disjointness makes computation easier but requires small r (such as r = 50) if large numbers of concepts are to be represented. The shared representation allows for more concepts to be represented (especially necessary if r is very large, such as several percent of the total number of neurons) but can be expected to make computation, without interference among the task instances, more challenging. Random access versus local tasks We believe that cortex is communication bounded in the sense that: (i) each neuron is connected to a minute fraction of all the other neurons, (ii) each individual synapse typically has weak influence, in that a presynaptic action potential will make only a small contribution to the threshold potential needed to be overcome in the postsynaptic cell, and (iii) there is no global addressing mechanism as computers have. We call tasks that potentially require communication between arbitrary memorized concepts random-access tasks. Such tasks, for example, an association between an arbitrary pair of concepts, are the most demanding in communication and therefore quantitatively the most challenging for the brain to realize. The arbitrary knowledge structures in the world will have to be mapped, by the execution of a sequence of random access tasks that only change synaptic weights, to the available connections among the neurons that are largely fixed at birth. We distinguish between two categories of tasks. Tasks from the first category assign neurons to a new item. We have just one task of this type, which we call Hierarchical Memorization and define it as follows: For any stored items A, B, allocate neurons to new item C and make appropriate changes in the circuit so that in future A and B active will cause C to be active also. The second category of tasks make modifications to the circuits so as to relate in a new way items to which neurons have been already assigned. We consider the following three. Association: For any stored items A, B, change the www.sciencedirect.com circuit so that in future when A is active then B will be caused to be also. Supervised Memorization of Conjunctions: For stored items A, B, C change the circuits so that in future A and B active will cause C to be active also. Inductive Learning of Simple Threshold Functions: for one stored item A learn a criterion in terms of the others. This third operation is the one that achieves generalization, in that appropriate performance even on inputs never before seen is expected. The intention is that any new item to be stored will be stored in the first instance as a conjunction of items previously memorized (which may be visual, auditory, conceptual, etc.) Once an item has neurons allocated, it becomes an equal citizen with items previously stored in its ability to become a constituent in future actions. These actions can be the creation of further concepts using the hierarchical memorization operation, or establishing relationships among the items stored using one of the operations of the second kind, such as association. The latter operations can be regarded as the workhorses of the cognitive system, building up complex data structures reflecting the relations that exist in the world among the items represented. However, each such operation requires each item it touches to have been allocated in the first instance by a task of the first kind. Random access tasks are the most appropriate for our study here since, almost by definition, they are the most challenging for any communication bound system. For tasks that require only local communication, such as aspects of low-level vision, viable computational solutions may be more numerous, and quantitative studies may be less helpful in identifying the one nature has chosen. We emphasize that for the candidate set it is desirable to target from the start a mixed set of different task types as here, since such sets are more likely to form a sufficient set of primitives for cognition. Previous approaches have often focused on a single task type The neuroidal model Experience in computer science suggests that models of computation need to be chosen carefully to fit the problem at hand. The criterion of success is the ultimate usefulness of the model in illuminating the relevant phenomena. In neuroscience we will, no doubt, ultimately need a variety of models at different levels. The neuroidal model is designed to explicate phenomena around the random access tasks we have described, where the constraints are dictated by the gross communication constraints on cortex rather than the detailed computations inside neurons. The neuroidal model has three main numerical parameters: n, the number of neurons, d the number of connections per neuron, and k, the minimum number of presynaptic neurons needed to cause an action potential in a postsynaptic neuron (in other words the maximum synaptic strength is 1/k times the neuron threshold). Each neuron can be in one of a finite number of states and each synapse has some strength. These states and strengths are updated according to purely local rules using computationally weak steps. Each update will be influenced by the firing pattern of the presynaptic neurons according to a function that is symmetric in those inputs. There is a weak timing mechanism that allows the neurons to count time accurately enough so stay synchronized with other neurons for a few steps

    Static Data Structure Lower Bounds Imply Rigidity

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    We show that static data structure lower bounds in the group (linear) model imply semi-explicit lower bounds on matrix rigidity. In particular, we prove that an explicit lower bound of tω(log2n)t \geq \omega(\log^2 n) on the cell-probe complexity of linear data structures in the group model, even against arbitrarily small linear space (s=(1+ε)n)(s= (1+\varepsilon)n), would already imply a semi-explicit (PNP\bf P^{NP}\rm) construction of rigid matrices with significantly better parameters than the current state of art (Alon, Panigrahy and Yekhanin, 2009). Our results further assert that polynomial (tnδt\geq n^{\delta}) data structure lower bounds against near-optimal space, would imply super-linear circuit lower bounds for log-depth linear circuits (a four-decade open question). In the succinct space regime (s=n+o(n))(s=n+o(n)), we show that any improvement on current cell-probe lower bounds in the linear model would also imply new rigidity bounds. Our results rely on a new connection between the "inner" and "outer" dimensions of a matrix (Paturi and Pudlak, 2006), and on a new reduction from worst-case to average-case rigidity, which is of independent interest

    Discovering the roots: Uniform closure results for algebraic classes under factoring

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    Newton iteration (NI) is an almost 350 years old recursive formula that approximates a simple root of a polynomial quite rapidly. We generalize it to a matrix recurrence (allRootsNI) that approximates all the roots simultaneously. In this form, the process yields a better circuit complexity in the case when the number of roots rr is small but the multiplicities are exponentially large. Our method sets up a linear system in rr unknowns and iteratively builds the roots as formal power series. For an algebraic circuit f(x1,,xn)f(x_1,\ldots,x_n) of size ss we prove that each factor has size at most a polynomial in: ss and the degree of the squarefree part of ff. Consequently, if f1f_1 is a 2Ω(n)2^{\Omega(n)}-hard polynomial then any nonzero multiple ifiei\prod_{i} f_i^{e_i} is equally hard for arbitrary positive eie_i's, assuming that ideg(fi)\sum_i \text{deg}(f_i) is at most 2O(n)2^{O(n)}. It is an old open question whether the class of poly(nn)-sized formulas (resp. algebraic branching programs) is closed under factoring. We show that given a polynomial ff of degree nO(1)n^{O(1)} and formula (resp. ABP) size nO(logn)n^{O(\log n)} we can find a similar size formula (resp. ABP) factor in randomized poly(nlognn^{\log n})-time. Consequently, if determinant requires nΩ(logn)n^{\Omega(\log n)} size formula, then the same can be said about any of its nonzero multiples. As part of our proofs, we identify a new property of multivariate polynomial factorization. We show that under a random linear transformation τ\tau, f(τx)f(\tau\overline{x}) completely factors via power series roots. Moreover, the factorization adapts well to circuit complexity analysis. This with allRootsNI are the techniques that help us make progress towards the old open problems, supplementing the large body of classical results and concepts in algebraic circuit factorization (eg. Zassenhaus, J.NT 1969, Kaltofen, STOC 1985-7 \& Burgisser, FOCS 2001).Comment: 33 Pages, No figure

    On Uniformly Sampling Traces of a Transition System (Extended Version)

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    A key problem in constrained random verification (CRV) concerns generation of input stimuli that result in good coverage of the system's runs in targeted corners of its behavior space. Existing CRV solutions however provide no formal guarantees on the distribution of the system's runs. In this paper, we take a first step towards solving this problem. We present an algorithm based on Algebraic Decision Diagrams for sampling bounded traces (i.e. sequences of states) of a sequential circuit with provable uniformity (or bias) guarantees, while satisfying given constraints. We have implemented our algorithm in a tool called TraceSampler. Extensive experiments show that TraceSampler outperforms alternative approaches that provide similar uniformity guarantees.Comment: Extended version of paper that will appear in proceedings of International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD '20); changed wrong text color in sec 7; added 'extended version

    The Complexity of Approximating complex-valued Ising and Tutte partition functions

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    We study the complexity of approximately evaluating the Ising and Tutte partition functions with complex parameters. Our results are partly motivated by the study of the quantum complexity classes BQP and IQP. Recent results show how to encode quantum computations as evaluations of classical partition functions. These results rely on interesting and deep results about quantum computation in order to obtain hardness results about the difficulty of (classically) evaluating the partition functions for certain fixed parameters. The motivation for this paper is to study more comprehensively the complexity of (classically) approximating the Ising and Tutte partition functions with complex parameters. Partition functions are combinatorial in nature and quantifying their approximation complexity does not require a detailed understanding of quantum computation. Using combinatorial arguments, we give the first full classification of the complexity of multiplicatively approximating the norm and additively approximating the argument of the Ising partition function for complex edge interactions (as well as of approximating the partition function according to a natural complex metric). We also study the norm approximation problem in the presence of external fields, for which we give a complete dichotomy when the parameters are roots of unity. Previous results were known just for a few such points, and we strengthen these results from BQP-hardness to #P-hardness. Moreover, we show that computing the sign of the Tutte polynomial is #P-hard at certain points related to the simulation of BQP. Using our classifications, we then revisit the connections to quantum computation, drawing conclusions that are a little different from (and incomparable to) ones in the quantum literature, but along similar lines